What is Greenhouse Gas Emissions and How Can Solar Water Heating System Provide Long-term Solutions?
July 9, 2018Greenhouse gas emissions are currently warming the planet Earth. It’s not that the gases are hot themselves, but they do trap heat. As the sun’s rays heat the planet’s surface, that energy rises, but it can’t escape. The hard truth of the matter is this: humanity is responsible for the problem, and it’s humanity that must restore the balance. With a little engineering ingenuity, sustainable energy will save the day.
What Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
So far, the problem seems a bit vague. There’s the one hard fact, a scientifically proven conviction that says the Earth’s atmosphere is trapping heat. As a result of this phenomenon, the planet is getting hotter. But what’s the makeup of this gaseous barrier? What human activities produce the emissions? To answer that question, look to the electricity generating stations on your horizon. They produce approximately twenty-eight percent of all greenhouse gases. Only the billions of cars on our highways produce more, and engineers are already working on solutions to this issue. As for the power generators, they burn fossil fuels. Byproducts remain after fossil fuels are burnt. They include the following:
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Methane (CH4)
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
These greenhouse gases hang suspended in the atmosphere and trap heat.
The Role of the Solar Water Heating System
Back inside a normal home, heating appliances are greedily eating electrical energy. They even produce their own greenhouse gases. Remember, household heating systems often use gas heating, and that’s just another name for a fossil fuel. So, what can you, a regular homeowner, do to curb the problem? As it turns out, quite a lot. By installing a solar water heating system, you’re reducing your carbon footprint. That means you’re not burning fossil fuels in your home, nor are you consuming large amounts of electrical energy, the stuff that’s generated back at the coal-fueled power station. Think of it, the notion that you’re harnessing the sun’s radiant energy. Instead of letting that energy heat the planet, you’re utilizing it as a sustainable heat source, one that’s designed to warm the entire home.
When homes and entire communities adopt solar water heating systems, less electrical energy is consumed. When household gas heating appliances are replaced by sustainable energy, little plumes of heat-trapping gas are eliminated. Sustainable energy is the answer to both of those carbon producing situations. Of course, there’s the utilitarian matter. In other words, you’re not purchasing as much electricity, so you’re not spending as much hard cash. Really, though, it’s the thought that you’re doing your bit to stop fossil fuel burning, that you’re making a difference that imparts long-term satisfaction.
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