FAQ: What is Best for My Home? Conventional or Tankless Water Heaters
October 26, 2018Frequently Asked Questions (A FAQ) dominates today’s post. Standing in front of a conventional water heater system, or encouraged to visit a store, one that’s promoting a tankless option, customers are wishing they had access to this reservoir of succinctly composed material. A question asked, a reply immediately given, that’s the kind of abbreviated instructional chunks of easily digestible information that a puzzled customer can really get behind.
Do Tankless Water Heating Systems Save Money?
In the short run, that tankless unit will likely cost more than a conventional water heater. Viewed as more than a short-term solution, though, tankless models save money. After a few years of running and saving energy, homeowners recoup their initial losses.
How Much Money Can You Save?
That’s a difficult question to answer, especially when customers use different forms of currency. In percentages terms, expect to shave 24% to 38% off of your previous energy bill. Essentially, water is only heated when it’s needed (in-demand heating), not kept hot in some energy-leaking tank.
How Much Space Do You Need?
Very little space is required for a tankless water heater. The housing installs on a wall, with its combustion chamber/igniter and heat exchanger occupying little areal room. Left with a conventional option, there’s a sizeable cylinder, the hot water storage tank, and it has to be mounted in a well-vented area.
Do Tankless Systems Require Venting?
Yes, just like any other water heater, the equipment requires access to fresh air. Direct and powered venting systems promote several versatile options, which actively dissipate hot air. The installation engineer needs to inspect the walls of the property to find the best venting option.
Are There Other Benefits?
If saving kilowatts of energy every year isn’t enough, read on for more fringe benefits. Tankless water heaters occupy less floor space; they mount on walls. They’re also more environmentally friendly, require less insulation, and are known to deliver hot water straight to the tap, not after an interminable wait.
Why Are Conventional Systems Inefficient?
Well, there’s that large cylindrical tank to heat. Moreover, cold water enters that storage unit as soon as hot water exits. The cold water instantly cools the stored fluid and dissipates the element or gas-heated energy stored in the water.
Without the tank, there’s no excess heat dissipation effect to solve. There’s also no surface rusting or sediment layers to deal with in a tankless gas or electric water heating system. Lowering maintenance costs, in-demand units perform at their best all year around. Meanwhile, tanks require regular care, especially if there’s sedimentary build-up dampening the heating effect.
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