Electric and Gas Water Heaters: What are the Differences?
November 7, 2017You aren’t going to spend a fun afternoon shopping around for a replacement water heater, so you might as go into the endeavour with some information on your side. Today we are going to be looking at the real heart of your home, the water heater, and the different types available. The two most common type of water heaters that homeowners own and interact with are gas water heaters and electric water heaters. While it can be easy to ignore your water heater, that is until it breaks on you, it never hurts to be proactive. Let’s break down the differences between electric water heaters and gas water heaters in order to guide you toward the right purchase for your needs.
Electric vs Gas — What’s the difference?
Obviously, the primary difference between an electric water heater and a gas water heater is the energy source that the machine operates on. The gas water heater obviously runs on natural gas while the electric water heater runs on electricity. Now, these two forms of fuel create a stark departure between how each of these water heaters will end up functioning. So, let’s go ahead and look at the functional differences between the two options by analysing a few key aspects.
Energy Efficiency – The Energy Competition
When it comes to efficiency you are going to want to opt for electric water heaters. Why? Well, we’re glad that you asked.
Gas water heater units are pretty inefficient thanks to the way that they functionally operate. For a gas water heater the water tank is always kept hot, which means that you are going to see a lot of energy being used up even when you do not need it.
Electric water heater units are much more efficient with their use due to the nature of the system. Still, this efficiency is sometimes mitigated by the higher operating costs of electrical power.
Performance – Peak Performance Variables
Now that we have talked about energy consumption let us talk about the actual performance factors between an electric water heater and a gas water heater. They both perform vastly different and this can be the ultimate deciding factor.
Gas water heaters can typically heat and re-heat their entire tank in a single hour. The re-heating process is called the ‘recovery rate’ and it is much quicker than their electric counterparts. Electric water heaters heat up slower but they are more ‘green’ in their energy consumption.
Ultimately, the deciding factor between an electric and gas water heater comes down to your personal needs. Analyse the size of your home and how many people you are seeking to surface. Then take this information to a professional and make your choice.
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