Rinnai Gas Water Heating Systems: Sales and Services Available at Bexley Hot Water Repairs
July 26, 2018Bristling with reliable products, Rinnai is clearly an industry-leading manufacturer. Their gas water heating systems are efficient and built to satisfy all Energy Star requirements, which is why repair companies have a special affinity for the brand. Indeed, it’s those qualities that have engendered our partnership. After all, top-tier gas water heaters work better when they’re cared for by equally prestigious repair companies.
Sales Department Partners
Hitching our wagon to the Rinnai name, the Bexley Hot Water Repairs website is positively teeming with their latest and greatest gas water heating systems. By way of illustration, The Infinity-20 is the ideal candidate for one or two bathroom homes, with its 6.1-star energy rating (as calculated according to Australian Standard AS4552) assuring low greenhouse gas emissions while there’s always instant hot water on-tap. Backed by Japanese design and production mastery, the 24-litre per hour Infinity-20 and its many equally capable peers are all loaded with energy saving and comfort-enabling features. And rightly so, for the Bexley name only partners with the finest hot water system brands.
Never Sacrifice Servicing Proficiency
By supporting and promoting a specific brand, a repair company is saying they’re placing confidence in that product range. Moreover, they’re making a promise. That promise is part of a mission statement, one that says company resources will be dedicated to that line of appliances. Due to that oath of fealty, technicians are specially trained in the inner workings of every branded unit they sell and service. In the case of Rinnai gas water heating systems, the techs and heating engineers are dispatched to ailing systems with several advantages already in hand. They know the equipment inside out. They also promote the water heating gear and are familiar with all of its operational quirks. In short, Bexley Hot Water Repairs has the edge when it comes to this product range.
For the Rinnai Infinity range, and that includes the Touch and Enviro series, the gains are many. Spare parts are easier to access when a repair team is familiar with a set group of system units. Also, the technicians aren’t being tasked with a difficult situation, one that calls for them to blindly work upon some fanciful device. Unknown and untrusted, the service will still be expected to satisfy high work practices. But, aligned with a trusted and revered system manufacturer, the techs arrive equipped with the baselines they need to fully service the gear. Then, only when those efficiency-rated baselines are satisfied, the equipment is restored and put back into service as a reliable low-energy, high-performance water heating system.
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