Tips on Extending the Life Span of Your Water Heater

January 21, 2020

Most water heater can withstand the everyday grind that they receive from their users. However, some variables come into play that makes a water heater decrease its lifespan unexpectedly. So, if you want to extend the life span of your water heater, just follow these following helpful tips. You’ll never know; your water heater may live past its indicated lifespan as per its manufacturing company.

Avoid Sediment Accumulation

Water heater, whatever the type is, will process the water from the pumps into your taps. During the processing of water, some minerals are stuck on the water heater. These minerals form sediment that accumulates on the water heater over time which can cause affect its performance and lifespan.

The most effective thing to do to avoid the accumulation of sediment is to flush your water heater on a regular basis. Once or twice a year, flush out sediment by draining a couple of gallons of water from your water heater’s drain valve. Flushing out sediment can prevent the possibility of overheating, damage to the tank’s lining, and weakening of the tank. 

Another way to prevent sediment accumulation is through adding a scale inhibitor filter. A scale inhibitor filter can protect your water heater from the effects of sediment accumulation since it can sort out the water from minerals.

Prevent Corrosion

Mostly, water heaters are composed of metallic materials that will make them sturdier and perform well under the temperature conversion process. However, the contact between water and some metallic materials can lead to corrosion after years of using the water heater. If some parts of the water heater began to rust, there is a chance that leaking will start that will ultimately cause your water heater’s demise.

One good way to avoid corrosion is to regularly maintain your anode rod. An anode rod is a metal rod that may be made of aluminium, zinc, or magnesium. With anode rod, the corrosion process will take it first before proceeding to other parts of your water heater. By regularly changing the anode rod, the corrosion will continue to consume it, preventing other metallic parts from rusting. 

Monitor Pressure and Thermal Expansion

Whenever water is heated, it expands and creates pressure inside your tank. To avoid any catastrophic effects, your water heater has a temperature & pressure (T&P) valve to help you regulate the pressure on your tank. Test and check the status of this specific valve regularly so that the pressure from your water heating process won’t cause internal damage to your water heater.

Additionally, if the T&P valve cannot handle the release and regulation of pressure, then your water heater may be in trouble every time you process the water. Once the pressure won’t have any place to go, your water heater may bulge, fail, or even rupture. One solution to this problem is to install a water heater expansion tank. This expansion tank can give your processed water a place to go whenever additional pressure is present.  Your household can certainly benefit from using a functional water heater. If you want to know more about the maintenance of the water heater, then contact us now at Bexley Hot Water Repairs. We can help you check, maintain, and fix your water heater in no time.

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